identifier 0008
Abdalla Gaafar Mohamed
Improvement of traditional acacia senegal agroforoforestry
Ecophysiological characteristics as indicators for tree-crop interaction
on sandy soil in western Sudan
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701 kb
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Description "The aim of the present study was to investigate the suitability of Acacia senegal
stands for agroforestry with regard to soil moisture depletion and physiological traits.
In the first set of experiments, the effect of tree size on soil water depletion and on
such tree characteristics as photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential,
relative humidity and inter-cellular CO2 concentration was examined. The
physiological behavior of A. senegal was assessed to elucidate its drought adaptation
mechanisms. In the second set of experiments the effect of the density of a planted A.
senegal stand on two traditional food and cash crops, sorghum and karkadeh, was
evaluated to determine the interaction between trees and field crops, using gum and
agricultural crop yields and physiological characteristics as criteria".
Dissertation note
Thesis Ph.D in International Relations, University of
Helsinki 2005
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Mode of Acces No restriction
Subject Acacia senegal
Subject Sorghum
Soil water, Sudan
Corporated body
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of
Remote access
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