identifier 0021
Rahel Deribe
Institutional analysis of water management on communal irrigation systems in Ethiopia: the case of Atsbi Wemberta, Tigray region and Ada'a woreda, Oromiya region
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"This study analyses the institutional and organizational arrangements of irrigation water
management and identifies the determinants of collective action and its effectiveness in
managing communal irrigation schemes in the districts of Atsbi Wemberta (Tigray region)
and Ada’a (Oromiya region), Ethiopia.. The econometric results show that collective action is more effective in irrigation water users of Atsbi than Ada’a. We also found evidence for an inverted U-shaped relationship between number of household beneficiaries and collective action. The findings also imply
that community irrigation water management can contribute to a more sustainable
irrigation water use and as a result in increasing agricultural production and productivity. Generally, collective action in managing irrigation water functions well in both study
woredas. It is found that farm households have started to grow crops which were not
previously grown in the areas. It was also found that it has a positive impact on their
income as well as on the living standard of their families. In addition, through time
beneficiary farm households depend more on the production from their irrigated fields,
which enabled them to harvest more than once a year".

Dissertation note
Thesis M.Sc in Economics, Addis Ababa University 2008
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Subject Water management
Subject Agricultural production, Ethiopia,
Corporated body
Faculty of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University
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